Fauna is all the animals that live on Earth, from small insects to large mammals, and flora is all the plants, from small grasses to tall trees, that make up our natural world.

What is nature
Nature, encompassing all aspects of the physical and biological environment, is a fundamental part of our world. From plants and animals to mountains, rivers and seas, nature forms a complex and sustainable system on which all life on Earth is based.
Nature is all that surrounds us," parents explain to their youngest children. And although this is a very big oversimplification that does not reflect the full complexity of the relationship between humans and the environment, it is worth starting there
Development? Yes - sustainable
Nature conservation is not only an environmental issue, but also a social and economic one. That is, it affects not many aspects of our lives, such as the economy.
Maintaining healthy ecosystems is crucial to meeting human needs, from food and water to raw materials and recreation. Action to protect nature and promote sustainability is essential for the future of our planet.

Human activity
Human activities such as urbanisation, agriculture, industry and the extraction of raw materials put enormous pressure on nature.
These changes lead to habitat degradation, environmental pollution and climate change, which in turn affect the health and functioning of ecosystems.
Environmental education and awareness are key to promoting sustainable practices.
By better understanding the impact of our actions on nature, we can make more informed decisions that contribute to environmental protection.
What exactly are we harming?
International cooperation
Technological innovation and decisive action by states are essential for effective conservation. What can countries do together? Establish protected areas, promote organic agriculture and forestry, invest in 'green' energy.
The world is also you
Protecting nature is a task that requires commitment at all levels - from the aforementioned actions of states to your own. Each and every one of us can contribute to protecting the environment through everyday choices such as reducing the consumption of raw materials, recycling or choosing eco-friendly products.
For generations
Nature is a source of inspiration, beauty and peace for many people. Its protection is not only a duty to future generations, but also a way of preserving what makes our planet unique and beautiful. Nature conservation is both a challenge and an opportunity.
Healthy spirit
In a healthy body, a healthy spirit? Of course. Nature - and this is extremely important in this day and age - not only contributes to our physical, but also has a positive impact on our mental health. Natural spaces offer places of rest, relaxation and inspiration.
A planet to renovate!
Challenges such as climate change, loss of biodiversity and environmental degradation require a response - not only from world leaders and large corporations, but also from each and every one of us!
Conservation efforts must include both the protection of existing ecosystems and the restoration of degraded ones.
Climate change
Loss of biodiversity
Environmental degradation
The greatest expert is you
After all, nature conservation is not just a task for experts - ecologists and scientists - but a shared responsibility for each and every one of us.
Whether through your actions or global initiatives, we can work together to preserve the beauty and diversity of our planet for future generations. Nature is all that surrounds us - you heard that a long time ago, right? Then help protect it all now!