Spring is coming! What are its first signs in nature?

Singing birds, first buds on the trees - winter is slowly giving way to warmer days and nature is waking up. The first signs of the coming spring are subtle so far, but the trained eye can spot them without difficulty. Is it time to part with your winter jacket, hat and scarf?

Singing birds, first buds on the trees - winter is slowly giving way to warmer days and nature is waking up. The first signs of the coming spring are subtle so far, but the trained eye can spot them without difficulty. Is it time to part with your winter jacket, hat and scarf? What should you look out for so that you don't miss that magical moment of "transition" between winter and spring?

Spring is the most beautiful time of year for many people. After long months of winter greyness, during which we spent most of the day indoors, we feel the first breezes of spring. We can already see more and more walking, running and cycling enthusiasts in parks, forests or on cycle paths. The changes in nature leave no doubt - spring is coming!

Here's what we should look out for as we look out over the coming, often still frosty, weeks:

1. plant awakening

One of the first harbingers of spring is the appearance of snowdrops and crocuses. Their delicate flowers break through the remains of the snow, heralding the inevitable end of winter. They are soon joined by primroses, anemones and hellebores, and the woods and meadows take on ever more intense colours. The buds begin to swell on the trees and shrubs, and the first leaves appear on the birch and hazel trees. This is one of the most delightful moments of the year - a spectacle of nature coming to life after its winter slumber.

2. Longer and warmer days

Spring is also the time when the day becomes noticeably longer. After the short, cloudy days of winter, we can increasingly enjoy the sun. The temperature rises and the sun's warm rays gradually melt the remnants of the snow and warm the frozen ground, which speeds up plant growth. Mornings can still be chilly, but afternoons are increasingly inviting us to get out into the fresh air.

3. return of migratory birds

As the days lengthen, migratory birds are returning to Poland. Already at the end of February, the first singing larks can be heard, and soon afterwards storks, cranes and swallows appear in the sky. Their presence is a sure sign that spring is very near. The bird concerts heard at dawn add energy and joy, reminding us of the warmer days to come.

4 Animal activity

The first signs of spring can also be seen in the animal world. Squirrels become more active, running through the trees in search of food. Hedgehogs and badgers are slowly awakening from their winter hibernation, and in rivers and ponds the mating season of turtles and frogs begins. This is a time when nature fills with life and we can witness the extraordinary changes taking place around us.

Time for a change - can you already 'say goodbye' to winter clothes?

Although the first signs of spring are clear, the weather can still be capricious. Mornings and evenings can be chilly, and unexpected frosts can surprise those who decide to put away their winter clothes too early. For this reason, it is advisable to follow the "onion" dressing principle - light layers will allow you to adapt to the changing temperatures throughout the day. Winter jackets may still prove useful, but warm hats and scarves are slowly giving way to lighter accessories.

Enjoy spring - how to take joy in the coming change?

Spring is a time of rebirth and hope. It is worth observing the changes in nature to enjoy every harbinger of it. When we go out for a walk in the forest, park or meadow, we can see and hear the first signs of this beautiful season. Recognising spring is a great opportunity to take a closer look at nature and appreciate its extraordinary rhythm.

It is also a good idea to use this time for outdoor physical activity - running, cycling or Nordic walking will be a great way to get in shape after the winter months. We can also think about doing some of the first spring cleaning in the garden, on the balcony or in the house, which will allow us to be better prepared for the warmer days ahead.

Spring is slowly but inevitably taking over from winter. Enjoy every moment of this special season, observe nature and gradually prepare for the fullness of spring warmth!

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