Air superheroes - how do trees help us breathe?
Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, trees... Hello, isn't this a mistake! Why trees? What connection do they have with famous superheroes? Well, they do! Although they don't wear capes, they have superpowers - they help us breathe every day.
Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, trees... Hello, isn't this a mistake! Why trees? What connection do they have with famous superheroes? Well, they do! Although they don't wear capes, they have superpowers - they help us breathe every day.
Trees are not only a beautiful part of our landscape, but they also have properties that provide many benefits for people and our environment. These properties are even their superpowers!
Trees, like other plants, carry out photosynthesis. This is a process in which plants use the sun's energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen. And just that: the oxygen released in this process is essential for respiration.
Trees as natural air filters and temperature regulators
However, this is not the only superpower of trees. We can also call them natural air filters. They trap and clean the air around us of pollen, dust and other pollutants. Trees capture pollutants such as nitrogen oxides or ammonia, reducing their concentration in the atmosphere. The leaves of trees in turn trap pollen and dust, which in many people cause allergies and even respiratory problems.
Trees help to regulate the ambient temperature through transpiration. Water is taken up by the roots of the trees and evaporated by the leaves, helping to cool the air around them. As a result, on hot days, the temperature in forests can be up to several degrees cooler than that in cities.
Forest bathing, or the Japanese know what's good
Trees also have a positive effect on our wellbeing. In Japan, the term 'shirin-yoku', or forest bathing, has even been coined. What is it? It's about spending time among the trees, but not rushing ahead, but concentrating on your surroundings and yourself, without other distractions. Forest bathing - thanks in part to the essential oils secreted by the trees - helps to reduce stress levels, supports our immunity, lowers our blood pressure, reduces anxiety or anger, and thus allows us to calm down and improve our concentration. Not bad, right? So many great properties, so many superpowers - it's a shame not to take advantage!
Trees not only provide us with oxygen, but also cleaner air, which in turn means fewer health problems such as asthma, allergies and respiratory diseases. They also provide us with shade and cooling in the summer, provide shelter for animals, and have a positive effect on our health, both physically and mentally. Do you know another superhero who does as much for humanity?