Questions and Answers

Wondering how important water is to our lives and the planet? Reach out to us for answers to the most common questions! Find out where water comes from, its functions in the ecosystem and how human activities affect its quality. Learn about water conservation, the effects of climate change and water purification methods. This is key information for everyone!

1. What is water?

Water is a colourless, transparent liquid that is essential for life on Earth. It is the habitat for many organisms, plays an important role in the circulation of natural substances such as carbon and oxygen between the earth and the atmosphere, and is crucial in maintaining the climate balance.

2. What are the main sources of water on Earth?

The main sources of water on Earth are oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, groundwater and the atmosphere. Water is also present in soil and living organisms.

3. What is the water cycle?

The water cycle is the continuous process of water circulation in the environment, including evaporation, condensation, rainfall or snowfall, surface run-off and infiltration into groundwater.

4. What processes affect water quality?

Processes affecting water quality include natural processes such as filtration through the soil (water percolates through the soil layers, being naturally cleaned of pollutants) and human activities, including industrial, agricultural and urban pollution.

5. What are the functions of water in the ecosystem?

Water performs key functions in the ecosystem, such as maintaining plant and animal life, regulating the climate, transporting nutrients, and creating habitats for many species.

6. What is water pollution and what are its effects?

Water pollution is the presence of harmful chemicals or microorganisms that can harm human health and ecosystems. The effects of pollution include deterioration of drinking water quality, death of aquatic organisms and disruption of ecosystems.

7. What human activities adversely affect water?

Activities such as industrial pollution, excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides in agriculture, deforestation, urbanisation and excessive abstraction of water from natural sources can lead to degradation of water quality and water resources.

8. What practices help to protect and sustainably use water resources?

These include water conservation, use of rainwater, waste water treatment, protection of water bodies, sustainable agriculture, as well as education and awareness-raising about water conservation.

9. What are the effects of climate change on water resources?

Climate change can cause extreme weather conditions such as droughts and floods, affect freshwater availability, lead to sea level rise and ocean acidification.

10. Why is water conservation so important?

Water conservation is crucial for human health, maintaining biodiversity, ensuring food security and sustainable development. It is essential for the survival of life on Earth and for future generations.

11. What are the methods of water purification?

Water treatment methods include mechanical filtration, reverse osmosis, chlorination, the use of UV and ozonation, which are used to remove contaminants and pathogens, making the water safe to drink.

12. What is the importance of water to the global economy?

Water is essential for many economic sectors, including agriculture, industry, tourism and energy. It is a key resource for food production, raw material extraction and energy generation.